x y造句

"x y"是什么意思   


  1. We can construct many functions by assuming x = y
    我们可通过假设x y组成许多函数。
  2. W x y z zddp zinc dialkyl dithiophosphates
  3. Asa - 04 4 axis x - x y - y
    Asa - 04 4轴可编程倾斜报警传感器
  4. Specification of dose extimation for skin injuries from x y ray and neutron
  5. An automatic plotter controlled by computer . its precision is higher than the precision of x - y plotter
    一种由计算机控制的比x y绘图仪精度高的自动绘图机。
  6. It's difficult to find x y in a sentence. 用x y造句挺难的
  7. < uk > if we multiply this expression by another factor of ( x y ) we will obtain a term of the type in two ways . < / uk >
    < uk >如果我们用另一个因式( x y )来乘此展开式,形如的项可由两种方法得到。 < / uk >
  8. A partnership business known as x y the partnership was carried on by company x and company y as partners in equal shares
    X公司与y公司一起经营一家名为x y该合业务的合业务,两家公司以合人身分各持一半股份。
  9. 17 he y j , wang s , du x y . efficient top - k query processing in pure peer - to - peer network . journal of software , 2005 , 16 : 540 - 552
  10. 1 , the arrow next control around 2 , y enable aircraft by clockwise or counterclockwise to 3 . cache and the use of the space bar while firing bullets 4 , only three lives
    箭头控制上下左右x y使飞行器按顺时针或逆时针转向-和空格键同时使用发射子弹只有三条命。
  11. The results indicate that the vibration of the pipeline on direction of x y z is reduced effectively , and the eccentricity vibration of the pole electricity is also reduced effectively
    计算结果表明,这一方法是能有效地降低管系x , y , z方向的振动,能够很有效地降低阀杆电机的偏心振动。
  12. In proc . ieee infocom , 20th annual joint conference of ieee computer and communications societies alaska , apr . 22 - 26 , 2001 , pp . 1380 - 1387 . 2 li x y , wan p j , frieder o . coverage in wireless ad hoc sensor networks
  13. 2 . the influence of different axis linear acceleration on coriolis illusion to observe the effect of different axis ( x x y axis ) linear acceleration on coriolis illusion on gl - 2000 a
  14. For example , the expression y could either be interpreted as a cast expression a cast of y to type x or as an additive expression combined with a parenthesized expression , which computes the value x y
    例如,表达式( x ) y既可以解释为强制转换表达式(从类型y到类型x的强制转换) ,也可以解释为结合了带括号的表达式的相加表达式(计算xy的值) 。
  15. 20 wang s , gao y , chen t y , zhang k l . study of two - layer trust model in service grid based on behavior . computer applications , 2005 , 25 : 1974 - 1977 . 21 qin b , wang s , du x y . materialized view maintenance in peer data management systems
    提出一种可扩展的分布式数据结构linknet ,以支持大规模p2p系统的搜索,提出一种高效率的分层的top - k查询方法,另外,在信任管理更新管理节点间知识共享等方面都做了创新的工作。
  16. If you put extraneous code y into your benchmark , you re now measuring the performance of x y , introducing noise into your measurement of x , and worse , the presence of y changes how the jit will optimize x . writing a good microbenchmark means finding that elusive balance between not enough filler and dataflow dependency to prevent the compiler from optimizing away your entire program , and so much filler that what you re trying to measure gets lost in the noise
    如果在基准中加入无关的代码y ,那么现在度量的就是x + y的性能,更糟糕的是,由于y的存在,现在jit优化x的方式又发生了变化。如果没有足够的额外填充物和数据流依赖,编译器可能会将整个程序优化至无形,但是如果填充物太多,那么真正需要度量的东西又会迷失在噪音当中,因此要编写一个良好的微基准,就意味着要抓住二者之间微妙的平衡。
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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